
Naval Base Secondary School NPCC (NBSS-NPCC)
UOPA Gold Unit from 2010 - 2013.
UOPA Silver Unit in 2014.

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14 March, 2013

pack list.

S/N       Items                                            Quantity    Remarks

1.         Improvised IC                                 1                 For identification purpose.
2.         Twine, Matchboxes & Solid              1 Each
3.         School PE/ Unit Tee/ Shirt                3                 White Plain Shirts if there’s not enough.
4.         Track Pants                                    2
5.         Undergarments                                Sufficient
6.         Socks                                             Sufficient    NO ankle socks. Ensure you have a new pair of socks every day.

7.         Towel                                             Sufficient
8.         Zip Lock Bags                                 (Optional) Sufficient Encouraged for storage of clean clothing
9.         Plastic Bags                                     Sufficient    Encouraged for storage of soiled clothes.
10.       Toiletries (Soap, toothbrush etc,)       Sufficient
11.       1.5 L Water Bottle                            1                 Indicated with Name.
12.       Torch Light                                     1                 With spare batteries.
13.       Fork & Spoon                                 1 Set
14.       Can Opener                                     1
15.       Insect Repellent                               (Optional)
16.       Poncho                                           1                 Compulsory Item.  (Dark Green in Colour)
17.       Rag                                                1                 For area cleaning purposes
18.       Medication (If needed)                     Sufficient    To be labelled with name
19.       Windbreaker/ Jacket                        (Optional)
20.       Spectacle Hooks/ Band                    1 Pair         For those who are wearing spectacles
21.       Black Whistle                                 1                 Compulsory item.  (For safety purposes)
22.       Hair Accessories                             Sufficient    Only black colour are allowed
23.       Writing Materials                            1                 i. Notebook ii. Pen
24.       Ez-link                                          1
25.       Plastic Mug & Plate                        1
26.       Cash                                             (Optional)   Not Exceeding $10
27.       Day Pack                                      1                 Small Haversack recommended (For Outdoor Activities)
28.       Sleeping bag                                  1                 
    NO electronic gadgets are allowed in the camp e.g Handphones, PSP, Mp3, iPod etc.
    NO Food (Titbits, Canned, Packet Food)
    NO excessive Cash or Jewelleries ( Not more then $20 and only religious accessories allowed)
    All NPCC rules and regulations applied

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