
Naval Base Secondary School NPCC (NBSS-NPCC)
UOPA Gold Unit from 2010 - 2013.
UOPA Silver Unit in 2014.

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1) Respect this blog, no matter who you are.
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10 March, 2011

Npcc - MOC CAMPS !

In case for those cadets who decided to go last minute and doesnt have the packlist or have lost your forms and packing list , I'm listing out those information for you'll.
12March'11 - 14March'11 :
Camping at - Navalbase sec (School)
Assemble at - 7am (7.15am latest)
Dismissed at - 12.30 (Depends)

Packlist :
1) Improvised IC (Waterproof) - Compulsory item.
2) Twine , Matchbox & Solid fuel - One each.
3) School PE/ Unit tee/those shirt that has crast on it. - Sufficient if not white plain shirt.
4) Trackpants - 2 to 3 .
5) Undergarments - Sufficient.
6) Socks - Sufficient. (NO ankle socks) [Make sure you have a new pair of socks everyday]
7) Towels - Sufficient.
8) Zip Lock Bags - Sufficient - For storage of clean clothing.
9) Plastic Bags - Sufficient - For storage of soiled clothes.
10) Toiletries (Soap , toothbrush , etc.) - Sufficient.
11) 1.5L Waterbottle (Filled) - Indicate with names.
12) Torch light - with spare batteries.
13) Fock&spoon - 1set.
14) Can opener - 1.
15) Insect repellent - Optional.
16) Poncho - 1. (Compulsory Item) [Dark green in colour]
17) Rag - For cleaning area.
18) Medication - Sufficient (If needed) [Labelled with name]
19) Windbreaker/jacket - Optional.
20) Spectacle hooks - 1pair (For those who wear specs.)
21) Whistle - 1. (Compulsory Item) [For safetly purpose]
22) Hair accessories - Sufficient (Only Dark blue or black)
23) Writing material (Pen & Notebook) - 1.
24) Ez-link card - 1.
25) Plastic Mug & Plate - 1Set.
26) Cash - Optional (Not exceeding $10)
27) Day Park - 1. (Small haversack recommended.) [For outdoor acitvies]
28) Sleeping bags.

Do NOT bring :
-Electronic gadget

Anything can call/text me @ 9228 0875 , tyvm <:

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