
Naval Base Secondary School NPCC (NBSS-NPCC)
UOPA Gold Unit from 2010 - 2013.
UOPA Silver Unit in 2014.

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21 April, 2012

Area 2 Unit Games Day And Oath Day (:

Our Girls Got 510 skips in Physical Test (:

10 Legged Race (: 

10 Legged Race (:

Get ready to count (: in physical test by our school(:

Area 2 school- North view sec

Our 10 legged boys 

Our 10 legged boys 

Our 10 legged girls (:

Push up (: 

Our 10 legged race girls (:

Our 10 legged race girls (:

Badminton Girls(:

The Awards (:

The Award(:

The Award(:
This is all the photo (:
Even though we didn't win everything but we tried our best and we are proud of it (: 

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