
Naval Base Secondary School NPCC (NBSS-NPCC)
UOPA Gold Unit from 2010 - 2013.
UOPA Silver Unit in 2014.

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16 June, 2011

NPCC Inter Unit Drill Competition ,


1. Sedia 
2. Senang Diri
3. Bergerak ke-kanan/kiri bertiga-tiga , Ke-kanan/kiri pusing
4. Menghadap ke-hadapan/belakang , Ke-belaking/kiri/kanan pusing
5. Ke kanan , lurus (Dressing)
6. Pandang ke hadapan , pandang (Dressing)
7. Dari kiri/kanan , cepat jalan
8. Berhenti 
9. Hentak kaki, hentak
10. Maju
11. Kebelaking pusing (While on march)
12. Dari kiri , kiri belok (While on march)
13. Dari kanan , kanan belok (While on march)
14. Memberi hormat semasa berjalan , kehadapan hormat (While on march)
15. Memberi hormat semasa berjalan , kekiri hormat (While on march)
16. Memberi hormar semasa berjalan , kekanan hormat (While on march)
17. Dari kiri , pandang kekiri , pandang (While on march)
18. Dari kanan , pandang kekanan , pandang (While on march)
19. Pandang kehadapan , pandang (While on march)
20. Bersurai. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Format of drills competition 
- Team comprising 12team members and 1 parade commander will compete.
- Nomination form can include up to a max 6 additional reserves.
- All competitors taking part on the actual day must be from the nomination form.
- Call for nominations will be sent at the end of may - At least one month before prolim1

- Lot size : 27.1(length) by 18.3m(breadth)
- 3 components of the competition
 . Uniform (20%)
  . Parade Commander (20%)
 . Drill standard & Proficiency (60%)

Time limit - 15min (Excluding uniform inspection)

- Competitors are to wear NPCC full uniform
- Any competitors found in inappropriate attire will not be allowed to participate.

- All details will start promptly
- Details of reporting time will be informed once the final nomination has been done
- Late comers will NOT be allowed to compete

- Proceed to Registratioon Counter for registration
- Team caption will register attendance of team for whole team
- Competitors may enter Holding Area upon instructed by officials
- Officials will collect and check ID at Holding Area and conduct final briefing

Signal used 
. One ring of bell
  - At the start if competition (after PC raises his/her hand) , as timing starts
  - 2min left to end of competition
. Five rings of bell 
  -End of competition 

Uniform Inspection
- Contingent will be ushered to uniform inspection point. 
- Judge will conduct uniform inspection 
- Contingent will be marched to Form up point by PC
- PC will be alerted of when to march to Form up point 

-Competitors are encouraged to follow the drill manual closely 
-Competitors must execute all 20 commands found in the command list within the time limit.

Uniform (20%)
- Beret
- Uniform 
- Footwear
- Overall

Parade commander (20%)
- Words of command
- Voice projection
- Drills knowledge
- Adaptability
- Overall

Drills standard & proficiency (60%)
- Team spirit
- Timing
- Dressing
- Completion of commands
(Squad must execute all 20commands with time limit)
- Smartness in Execution
- Overall

Important ! 
- Penalty points
  If squad exceeds the limit. Points will be deducted from the overall results
      - 2% for every min exceeded
      - If exceeds > 5min , team will be disqualified

If we won this competition , our YEWCHOW SIR  will treat us good meals ? Erm , maybe something nice and GOOD ! And so , please brush up on your drills ! Goodluck , <: 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great competition! Good luck, everyone!

