
Naval Base Secondary School NPCC (NBSS-NPCC)
UOPA Gold Unit from 2010 - 2013.
UOPA Silver Unit in 2014.

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20 June, 2011

21th June's Full Rehearsal Parade Training ,

1st part of the day is individual practice , meaning those who are partcipating in the parade will do parade training. Other's do their rehearsal , and then afternoon will be the full combine rehearsal of the parade.
So , there will not have any camp craft test.

Attire : Pt-kit
Venue : Canteen
Time : Fall in by 8.55am

Kindly bring along your :
- Full Uniform
- Water bottle
- Long socks
- Ear hocks
- Basically , bring EVERYTHING !

*Attendance compulsory , unless you produce a mc/parent letter with a good reason.

-There's break in between , so have a good training ! :)

Anything can ask me @ 92280875 with your name above.

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